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Sans Souci 

- CZ -

Návrh veletržního stánku na Fiera a výstavní instalace na Brera

Moje pozice: Architekt / Designer

Zadavatel: Sans Souci Lighting

- ENG -

Booth design at Fiera and multimedial instalation at Brera

My position: Architect / Designer

Client: Sans Souci Lighting

Rozsah práce:

Návrh expozice, dohled nad realizací. V rámci Milano design weeku se realizovaly dvě lokace. Na Fieře šlo o klasickou veletržní expozici. Na Breře šlo o multimediální instalaci. 

Scope of work:

Exhibition design, supervision during construction. During the Salone Del Mobile / Euroluce there were two locations realized. At the Fiera, it was a classic booth display. At the Brer it was more as multimedia installation.

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